Current Early Music Projects (10th to 20th centuries)


Sacred monophony and earliest polyphony from the school of St.Martial combined with the powerful songs from the occitan Trobador repertoire

Ruth Bruckner - voice, viella

Merce o morte

Virtuoso instrumental music and brilliant songs from the Italian trecento composers Johannes Ciconnia, Jacopo da Bologna, Francesco Landini, a.o.

Ruth Bruckner - voice, viella

Claudia Molon - recorders

Kristyna Kosikova - clavicymbalum, voice

Amour servir

Consort music from the Burgundian Court in the 15th century

Music by Gilles Binchois, Guillaume Dufay, Arnold de Lantin, a.o.

Ruth Bruckner - voice, viella

Claudia Molon - recorders

Kristyna Kosikova - clavicymbalum, voice


A repertory evocative of night and darkness in 18th to 20th century piano music, performed on various historical keyboard instruments, each corresponding to the respective time period.

Ruth Bruckner - fortepiano

Email: mail(at), Copyright: Ruth Bruckner @ All Rights Reserved, Copyright Photographs: Danijela Bogdanovic, Theresa Pewal, Stefan Panfili