Contemporary Music (late 20th and 21st centuries)

On track

Ruth Bruckner - piano, voice, electronics

An exploration of the various ways music can be on track and an artistic investigation of forms of life being on track or off track - in search of the right track.


Ruth Bruckner - piano, voice, electronics, dance, video installation

A multi-disciplinary art project which focuses on exploring the conception of rightfulness.


New works for historical instruments composed by Tomasz Skweres relating to a programme of repertoire from the early 17th century

Ruth Bruckner - recorders

Maria Danneberg - viol

Carl-Philipp Kaptain - sackbutt

Past collaborations with composers

Pierre Boulez, Tomasz Skweres, Victor Baez, Gregor Hanke, Benjamin Mayer, Laura Stevens, a.o.


Email: mail(at), Copyright: Ruth Bruckner @ All Rights Reserved, Copyright Photographs: Danijela Bogdanovic, Theresa Pewal, Stefan Panfili